Dienstag, 31. Juli 2012

Animagic 2012 FRIDAY

Hello Girls ! 

Animagic is over and now I am going to blog about it ! 
I will split the blog entries in 3 parts

Let's start with friday ! 

I took my train early in the morning so that I arrived at around 12 pm

My friend rookie picked me up and I quickly had to get ready ! 
because I met Sui !

I was really really happy that I could met her ! 
Everytime we meet I start to like her even more because she is just a lovely and honest person.
We went to the OCS and took Purikura at first ! 

 I really really like our purikura !

As you can see we wore the same dress but in diffrent colors

next we went to drink bubble tea and then Sui's boyfriend took some pictures of us !

here are a few :

herpderp pictures:

I've also got a really cute present from her !

So lovely !

thank you so much honey for that wonderful day !
I hope we can do that as soon as possible again !
I really enjoyed spending time with you


3 Kommentare:

  1. Wirklich toll *__*
    Ich hab ein paar Bilder schon bei Sui gesehen.. ihr seit so süß!

  2. Ich hab euch ja schon in Sui's blog bestaunen können^^° aber ihr seht einfach beide soooooo toll aus *o* ihr Twins XD
    die puris sind süß <3
    am allerbesten gefällt mir aber sogar das allerletzte Bild von euch Beiden!
    <3 bye
