Sonntag, 18. September 2011


Hello Girls ! 

Well here is my report about my weekend ! 

I slept at Baku's place with Markus , we woke up at 5 am and got ready .
We met our friends at the central station of munich and took our first train .
Our journey was really hard (over 9 hours I think). 
I'm still fucking tired . 
Anyways we had to change our trains 7 times until we finally arrived at 4:30 pm in cologne and drove to the concert hall.
I had to dress up and do my make up in the train~ it was quiet hard to do this xDDD

So we arrived at the hall and there I've met a lot of friends ^^
It was nice to meet them after a while again~ 
I missed them really much ! 
Sadly I forgot to take any pictures 
I was simply to tired and excited ~ 
I'm sorry for that ! 

We went into the hall at 6 pm and at first I wanted to see what kind of merchandise they sell~

this is what I bought

6 Checkis and 1 Phonestrap ^^ 
I love the checkis ~even I got 4 times Yu <-<

Then I've waited with other other fans for the band 
apporx. at 7 pm they started to play their first songs . 

All in all I really enjoyed their concert and I didn't regret that I went to see them .

So after the concert we waited for the band to go to the "hand shaking event" 
While we left the hall we shaked each member of the band their hands. 
Actually they had planned a signing session but I don't know why they did cancel it.

Anyways after that we went back to the central station of cologne . 
We watied for our train to Koblenz .
After we arrived in Koblenz we had to wait 4 HOURS for our train to Frankfurt.
We had to sleep in Mcdonalds....
it was a bit embarassing. 
Anyways we were tired as hell so we didn't care.

At 3pm we arrived in Munich again and I drove home .
I'm still tired but I already slept 2 hours.
I will go to bed soon.
Tomorrow school~~

thanks for reading my entry ^^ 

kisses & hugs 


2 Kommentare:

  1. Uha. Aber immerhin seid ihr noch angekommen °-°

  2. Great. :D Erinnert mich an meine Konzert-Zeiten, haha. Aber schön, wenn du Spaß hattest.
